Wednesday 8 June 2016

Ramadhan struggles

I'm so thankful to be born in Islam, in a such a peaceful, safe country and in a beauitful family,
Alhamdulillah. The month of holy is the month that every muslims waited for. Its like a month to cover up your sins and collect as much as pahala as you can. All the satans been tied up but still, if you have friend that behave like satan are still there. Lets pray for them to changed lol hahahaha

The struggles that we have to go through during ramadhan 

1)  If you're a secondary school students, of course the challenge that you have to deal with is non-muslims students. Some of them who are kind, caring and understanding, they will never ever eat or drink infront of you during the class or recess time. If they want to drink during the class, they will excuse themselves and went outside the class to drink. And some of them who are d*** and thoughtless, they will eat or drink infront of you and talked to their friends, laughing lah apa lah like you werent there, not exists. But to me, it doesnt matter at all because i tak terliur pun dengan air diorang. Tak sedap.

2) The second struggles is when you're freaking sleepy in the class. Can you imagine sitting in the physic, history classes and you're so sleepy but you can't damn drink or eat. Usually students will overcome their sleepiness in the class by chewing sweets or drink the plain water to stay focus (the student is me). The sweets is like a gold treasure in my bagpack when I'm dying in the class. But during this month, I can't eat or drink so I have no choices left. All i got to do to face this number 1 problems is.................................sleep lah apa lagi.

3) Zayn Malik without gigi he cannot eat, Ramadhan without bazaar ramadhan will never complete #takdakenamengena . In Malaysia, bazaar ramadhan is the most popular places that you have to go even once in the month. I don't like eating or buying food outside because i always prefers my mom's cook #anakmithali but I'm still going to buy some kuih and actually to see the situations there. It's fun to watch and you can feel the ramadhan vibes there were so strong. There's a variety of foods and drinks there. This is the real struggles. Make sure you have to be strong and make a list before you're going. If you have a strong iman, well that's alright going without it. For those you have a weak iman, we wanted to buy everything. The foods like waving their hand and asked me to buy, trust me i'm not lying. Just name it, what you're caring for iftar, i'm sure you can found it there but if you're craving for sushi and you went to bazaar to buy're dumb.

4) If you're mother is a extra hardworking and a diligent person, a week before raya will be the toughest one. As a daughter and her children, you have to help her with the housework. My mom she is super neat and fussy. She will make sure all the carpets, curtains, windows, toilet, kitchen, walls, floors, even the furnitures the be seen like a new one. Can you imagine she will washes all the curtains and carpets that we have in this house, alone without anyone's help? It sounded like no big deal but let me tell you friend, the carpets is already heavy but if you soaked them with water, it will be heavy af man i'm not lying my hands can be pulled off, my body can be torn into two pieces if i lift them up alone #hyperbola #overreacting and the worst part is we have to do it while fasting. I'm just a human, and i bleed when i fall down, i'm only human.... lol #overreactingagain 

I just type whatever that comes on my mind, of course some of the content is just a joke, don't take it seriously. It's ramadhan man, help the others as much as you can and gain lots of pahala. Don't waste this beautiful month because we don't know if we'll ever had the chance to see ramadhan nextyear. Always pray to Allah to have a long life and a blessed one.
